My Gift

Opportunities to Contribute to the Children's Home

Each gift, whether it is large or small, one time, or repeated on a regular basis causes heartfelt thanks to permeate the hearts and minds of us who are directly associated with Texarkana Baptist Children's Home. However, we do encourage repeat giving as this helps us in long range planning such as in budgets and special projects. Multiple fund choices are presented to fit the benevolent desires of contributors as much as possible. The Trustees do encourage gifts to the general operating fund because that is the fund that keeps the doors open for present and future residents. Be assured that each gift is tax deductible and will be acknowledged with a personal letter and receipt. God bless you for standing tall by stooping low enough to extend a helping hand to needful children.


Texarkana Baptist Children's Home

General Operating Fund

The General Operating Fund is responsible for the bulk of the annual budget. From it is paid salaries, wages, insurance, utilities, repairs, etc.

Children's Activity Fund

The children's Activity Fund provides money for children's needs, clothing, entertainment, travel, school materials, medical needs, etc.

Endowment Fund

The Home's Endowment Fund provides interest earnings for use as administration and trustees elect to use them for the benefit of the Home and its children. Currently, such funds are used to update vehicles for transporting the children.

Scholarship Fund

Scholarship funds are used to help to provide post-secondary and/or higher education and their attendant expenses for qualifying children.

Birthday Fund

The Birthday Fund provides $75.00 to each child on his/her birthday to spend as they may desire.

Special Project Fund

Special Project funds allow educational trips for children and other projects as may be designated from time to time. Recent special projects include new tile flooring for every building on campus; new metal roofing for all buildings; purchase of school furnishing and curriculum materials; Children's trip to Disney World.